National Development Commission of Ethiopia
To provide a set of comprehensive indicators for the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II 2015-2020). Specifically :
- Review Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Growth Economy (CRGE) vision and strategy, the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) and other pertinent documents.
- Review the current GTP indicators that will serve as the basis for the study including the 46 indicators agreed upon with the DAG.
- Identify any overlaps/duplication and gaps in the current indicators, propose key indicators from the existing indicators and new ones to bridge the gaps with a view to reduce the overall number of indicators.
- Undertake consultations with government officials, sector working groups, key development partners, implementing partners, and other stakeholders, including representatives of civil society and private sector organizations to assess existing indicators and integrate CRGE components across GTP pillars.
- Develop key sectoral and cross-sectoral indicators that reflect CRGE and are practical; specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) at input, output and outcome levels where relevant.
- Adapt and integrate any relevant and key indicators from other countries’ national development plans that demonstrate best practices.
- Develop new and adjusted GTP-II indicators that reflect the pillars of the CRGE.
Finance House, 10th Floor, Loita Street,
P.O. Box 4889-00506, Nairobi, Kenya.